Ceremonies At Sea
Lasting Memories
The waters off Oahu are commonly known for activities like fishing and water sports. But the beauty and serenity and healing powers of the Hawaiian waters offer romantic escapes and time for reflection and gratitude. It’s no wonder that many hold ceremonies centered around these magical ocean waters. With Hawaii’s warm, year round climate and crystal clear waters, weddings and memorial services are types of ceremonies frequently held at sea.
Weddings At Sea
What better way to capture such a memorable moment than at a memorable location. Destination weddings are more popular than ever these days. Aside from practical reasons like cutting down on your guest list, making it a more intimate setting, weddings at sea provide a more relaxed, unique and memorable experience. For those that don’t want to go the cruise ship route, a boat charter can be a much more intimate and convenient option. It allows for more spontaneity; you don’t need to make plans weeks or months in advance and it can be a short outing versus a week or more at sea. Capture the essence of the island culture and follow the ceremony with a traditional Hawaiian wedding luau on land.
Memorial Services At Sea
For loved ones that have passed, Hawaii or particularly the Hawaiian waters may have a sentimental meaning. A memorial service at sea provides a way for friends and family to remember them in a cherished setting.
Spreading of Ashes At Sea
For many families, what to do with cremated remains is a common issue. Spreading of the remains in nature or a sentimental location helps to tie the memory of those that have passed to this special place. What many may not consider are the state and federal regulations with scattering remains in public places. Check with the authorities in the state you are holding the ceremony. You can also find information on the EPA website. The Hawaii Land and Natural Resources does not require a permit as long as scattering ceremony doesn’t include large crowds or a number of vessels. They advise distributing the ashes beyond the reef line. If you plan to scatter flower leis along with the ashes, participants should wear leis, but scatter loose flowers or loose orchid flowers instead of leis because the strings can hurt marine life.
Celebration Of Life Ceremonies
Celebration of life ceremonies give loved ones an opportunity to acknowledge and remember the life of the person that passed. With this type of ceremony, the deceased does not need to be physically present. Chartering a boat for this type of ceremony at sea offers an intimate setting in which each person can take the time to reflect and share memories and appreciation for the deceased. The ocean offers a serene setting for contemplation, and it’s vastness provides a sense of the limitless nature of life beyond the earth and our physical presence on it.
A ceremony at sea can make an occasion memorable and special. If you’d like to charter a boat for a small group ceremony at sea, contact Whipsaw Sport Fishing Charters to discuss how we can accommodate your special needs.